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Featured book of the month for May

The Road to Eurovision


Nicky Stevens


          Well, we’ve had a long break but we are back now, thankfully.

          I’m thrilled to announce that this month’s Book of the Month is The Road to Eurovision by Nicky Stevens from Brotherhood of Man.

          I decided to relaunch with this because the Eurovision Song Contest happens this month - Brotherhood of Man, with Nicky as part of the group, won the competition in 1976.

          I have met Nicky and the rest of the band often.  We have shared so many good times.  So I was thrilled to spot THIS book on Amazon.  I snapped it up.

          It’s very small but PACKED with stories that make you laugh and cry with Nicky. 

          I didn’t feel as if I was reading the book.  It felt as though Nicky was sitting on my couch with me, telling me stories over cake and coffee. 

          Is it perfect?  No.  But it’s the most enjoyable book I have read for a LONG time.  Nicky herself would like an audiobook version of this book - I would be over the moon if that happened!

          The book is packed with incredible photographs of Nicky through the ages - the front cover is her as a cute little baby. 

          Her style of writing is so natural that I knew it had won book of the month the minute I finished it. 

          For me, it was a long read - I wanted to savour every page so I took my time.  But I could have read this book in one sitting.

          Anyone interested in music, needing to laugh or simply want a great, entertaining read, would LOVE this book. 

          I have been asked to reveal what other books are in the running.  That’s a great idea.  I always choose from the three best books I have read that month.

          Bobbi Holmes, Haunting Danielle was a definite contender.  I am re-reading the series as I wait for her latest book and not once has it spoiled the story, knowing who was the killer.  The series can be read as one complete series or in any order, they are stand alone, as well as part of a series.  Having said that, I accidentally skipped 5 books and was totally confused after something that happened in book 16.  Just to clarify, don’t let the title put you off.  It’s the least frightening ghost story I have ever read.  It features Danielle, a woman who has inherited a house from her great aunt.  Unlike her best friend, she has always been able to see Spirit.  However, trying to hide that fact, leads her into some hilarious, laugh out loud scrapes.  Well worth the read.  It made me laugh off the page, something that is very hard to do.

          Millie Johnson, The Woman in the Middle, is a LOVELY read.  Just what I needed.  It tells the tale of a hard working woman called Shay whose world is blown apart.  You really feel Shay’s emotions.  I came so close to giving that book my top read.  I will be reviewing it soon.

          Stay tuned to discover what June’s Featured Book of the Month is.  Let me know if you have any suggestions for books I may not have read.  If you would like to be considered, sign the guest book or send me a message using it, sending me the book and a little blurb about it.  I will read it and you may discover that you have won.  There are no prizes - but there is a great sense of pride.  I look forward to hearing from you.

A Grey Resort


Wendy Kok


   Hi everyone!  Welcome to July’s Featured Book of the Month. 


   Before I go any further, I apologise for the delay in getting it up.  I was hoping to put the books up by the middle of the month but sometimes life makes that impossible.  I have been reading voraciously and - unless anything changes dramatically - I have my Book of the Year already! 


   In the meantime, ‘m delighted to announce our second Featured Book of the Month.


   Wendy Kok, who is from Wisconsin, has written a chilling thriller with her book A Grey Resort, the first in a series.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not terrifying (I couldn’t have read it if it was) but it is mystifying and intriguing, not to mention deliciously scary.


   What I LOVE about Wendy’s writing is that she works the atmosphere like a conductor directs his orchestra.  The tension is ramped up in just the right places and you can physically feel as if you are walking in the shoes of the main character.


   I love the character of Brooke (her protagonist).  She is a spunky, spiky girl with a shedload of courage. 


   While the story is fiction, of course Wendy has made all of the characters - but especially her main two - pop off the page and right into your living room as yo read the book.


   She ramps up the tension as Brooke sits, fishing quietly by the lake in her parents’ holiday resort.  She’s minding her own business and about to pack up for the night when she sees something in the lake.  It turns its eyes to her and she stands, mesmerised.  Who is he?  How can he swim that far - and how does he hold his breath for so long?  Then, as quietly as he has ome, he leaves her - she is bereft.  Even though they never spoke, Brooke is eaten up with curiosity.  She wants - needs - to see him again. 


   She certainly does that!  He saves her life after a terrifying encounter in the woods where she is walking one day.  There is an instant antraction.  But who is he?  Where is he from and what does he want?  Is he even from this earth? 


   I don’t want to die any spielers put the plot thickens nicely.  I didn’t jump but Wendy did make me gasp numerous times.  This book sucked me in and wouldn’t let me go - I truly didn’t want it to end. If you like atmospheric thrillers, you will love this.


   So why is it my book of the month?  I chose it because it is hard to get me gripped into a story, especially when you tell me it in first person.  Brooke Larkin is the protagonist and it is mostly told from her point of view. But she has made me feel excited about picking the book up and, more importantly, Wendy Kok has given me the chills, made me FEEL.  That’s a hard thing to do and for that, she deserves to be July’s Book of the Month.



Pamdiana Jones


    I’m proud to announce that the second Featured Book of the Month is When in Roam by Pamdiana Jones.  We will be having an interview in a few days and I will provide a link to that interview when I can.


    In the meantime, please enjoy this wonderful book which is a delightful, funny, scary, heartwarming read.


    I fell in love with this book - maybe because I read it during the Pandemic, I felt that it was the perfect book for us ‘armchair travellers’.  We may not be able to go on holiday, but dipping into this fantastic book meant that we could have a little trip without leaving our homes.


    This book follows Pam as she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.  She travelled the world by accident!  I lost count of how many times I thought it would only happen to Pam!


    This delightful book has had me roaring with laughter until my whole body shook; it has had me shedding tears along with Pam when she discovered her father had died unexpectedly - she was thousands of miles away.  I got angry on her behalf when she was treated badly by people - but I found myself begging her to continue this journey.  Most of all, I found it riveting - Pam really immersed herself in the way of life of each country she visited and that shows.  It was fascinating to learn how other people live - life varies dramatically in each country, which may surprise you - but, at heart, the PEOPLE remain the same - mostly kind and friendly, willing to help a damsel in distress.  I was so touched that countless people opened their homes and hearts to Pam as she travelled the world.


    I seriously cannot decide whether Pam has the luck of the Angels or the Devil - the things that happen to her are incredible and she shows great courage throughout the trip.  Nothing fazes her and she will try ANYTHING. 


    Warm, kind, compassionate and extremely gregarious, Pamdiana Jones makes friends wherever she goes.


    We all need a book like this on our shelf - the one we can dip into at random, safe in the knowledge that we will find an exciting adventure whichever page we turn to.


    I am thrilled that Pam’s adventures are far from over - there are at least another two books in the series - maybe more - and she’s writing her first book for children. 


    Check out this wonderful book which is Featured Book of the Month for June.


    I apologise that May appears to have been missed out - we will ensure that this situation is resolved as soon as possible.


    July’s Book of the Month is the scary A Grey Resort - more about that later.  





“The Boy Between: A Mother and Sons Journey From a World Gone Grey




Before you read on, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Amanda and Josiah.  They have waited so patiently for this segment of the website to be launched!  Also, my thanks go out to all of my regular visitors who have returned repeatedly, expecting to see it - the visitor figures speak for themselves.  I had a shock when I checked today’s viewing figures … the results of which have altered my plans a little, as you will see later.  The current visitor count stands at an eye watering (to me, anyway) 8,931.  I mean that is unbelievable!   Each time you have been disappointed, yet you keep coming back for more.  Your loyalty is appreciated and will be repaid - there are plans afoot to make some exciting updates now that our difficulties have been resolved.


    The Featured Book of the Month was initially supposed to be launched on April 1st - yes, that famous day certainly made a fool of me!  I was beginning to think we would have to give up - but I’m not a quitter.  Thankfully, the issues have now been resolved and the page is now up and LIVE!


    Just to be clear, this delay has posed a real problem for us - one which I accept is going to be embarrassing.  The Boy Between IS the featured book for APRIL - NOT MAY.  The plan is for the book to be released on the 1st of the month - well, this is th e28th ofMay 0 a full 2 months late … I’m taking an executive decision and releasing it 2 days earlier than I normally would because  of all the problems we have been having. 


    We have tried so hard to avoid this issue. However, I am going to have to SKIP May’s Featured Book of the Month, sadly - it will be given a separate slot shortly.  This was not a situation we could have foreseen.  I’m not going to explain the problems we have faced but it has been a nightmare. If we had got this book out in the MIDDLE of May, which was the alternative plan, we would have been able to release May’s a few days later.  I have, unfortunately, been placed in an untenable position and will be contacting the winner to discuss the position which is entirely beyond my control.  I realise this is not the ideal solution but I promise that it will NOT affect the publicity each book will receive during the month that it is featured.  This book, The Boy Between has received a substantial amount of publicity while I have been trying to launch it on my website - the same will happen for each book that follows.  At the end of the month, where possible, I will provide a link to an interview with the author on my radio show, so make sure to tune in to that.


    Speaking of my show, The Writer’s Stop can be heard on PWR Network - the links will be on Facebook and can be found on this website as well.    It has a HUGE distribution - If you’re interested in books or writing, this is the show for you. Someone recently commented that all my shows are about serious books but that’s not strictly true - we cover many lighter subjects too.  Also, don’t forget, if you are a writer, whether Indi or traditional - or hybrid - you are welcome to email the show at and we will get you on the show.


    There’s just time for a final, exciting announcement!  We are approaching - check it out guys: - an unprecedented and totally unexpected 10,000 visitors to my website! (In case this has been posted on social media and you are not able to just click back, the address of this website is Don’t forget to mark it as your favourite or - better yet - subscribe so there is no danger of you missing any of the exciting events we are planning in the next few months.  2021 is going to be a very exciting year - more about that later) I never thought I would see a visitor count which was that high … What’s even more surprising to me is that the site only  opened in March 2019 - just 2 years ago and can’t be found on Google! 


    So let’s step it up a pace.  I reckon we can reach that 15,000 visitor milestone by 30th June.  What do you think?  How about a competition?  I was initially going to set the target to 10,000 but at 8931, I think that’s a little too close - unless you all want to go even higher and head for 20,000 by he 30th June - the speed of the figures going up will show me that, won’t it?!  Let me know in the comments if you want us to try for that instead.  Either way, is cool by me.  But the absolute closing date is 30th June.


    There will be several competitions this year.  When we reach a certain milestone I have in mind( more later - got to keep you interested!) there will be a fantastic prize but this is a small prize for the first competition - hey, we may only get one entrant!  Hope not! 


    For the first one, I have two first edition signed books to give away.  Make sure you follow the instructions when I post my regular blog next week. Keep your eyes peeled to the website - the information will be posted on the blog and on Facebook so make sure to follow me you don’t want to miss ANYTHING.  Let me know if you’d be interested in a Facebook Group.  Naturally some of the information in this announcement may find its way to a blog post - don’t worry, you don’t have to reply twice - just once will do.  I just need an idea of who is interested if I DID set up a group (that MAY be above my technical abilities anyway)! 


    Now, let me tell you why this book won my first ever Featured Book of the Month.


* * * * *


    I’m going to start by explaining why I feel this book is so important to children and adults alike.


    The year 2020 has brought Mental Health into sharp focus.  So many of us have suffered loneliness, depression and many other issues which come under the umbrella of Mental Health.


    This awful pandemic has swept so many people ever deeper into depression - many, who may have already struggled before the pandemic struck,  were suddenly faced with an even worse situation.  Others were fortunate in that they had finally reached out for help - suddenly that essential lifeline was cruelly ripped from them.   They were unable to even turn to people for a hug, be within six feet of their nearest and dearest, so many elderly were forced to sit alone for days, weeks or months - with nobody to check on them.  The loneliness this created made it hard for people to cope - spending so much time alone allowed the feelings of isolation and depression to solidify because people had no way to distract themselves from their thoughts on a day to day basis as they normally would.   


    Many reported that they didn’t want to face yet another day of lockdown … people tried to adapt but it was so hard.  Many - especially those who suffered an illness - Alzheimer’s, for example - didn’t understand why suddenly they were unable to see their loved ones. Depression became the norm, not the exception. 


    Humans, by their very nature, are sociable creatures.  We need to interact with others.  The same goes for children.  Even if they hate school, the very act of attending classes and mixing with their peers is essential to their mental health.  A large percentage were forced to be home schooled for much of the pandemic and, according to a Government report (Corona Virus:Impact on Young People with Mental Health Problems) (link at the end of this   University students have stated that they found this lockdown harder than ever - the main issues being listed as being loneliness, solution and a break in routine. 


    I don’t need to go on because I know we have all lived it together.  This is why THIS book:“The Boy Between: A Mother and Sons Journey From a World Gone Grey”is so important.  Here is the Amazon link to it:  


    I don’t think most of us really understand what depression really is.  Most of us say we are depressed when we are feeling a little ‘down’, have had a bad day, we are ‘sad’ for a few days.    Women suffer depression frequently during that time of the month.  The depression that comes with hormonal problems cannot be lightly dismissed - it is insidious and is difficult for the woman to cope with.  That form of depression needs to be taken just as seriously as any other. How many times have you said that you’re ‘depressed’ when you really mean you’re feeling a little blue.  I know I’ve said that.  I know the difference though.  I’m careful with my wording now, since reading this book.  Josiah’s story has made me see that I need to understand that just because I’m feeling disheartened or like I don’t want to face something, I’m not suffering from ‘depression’.  


    Depression is an ILLNESS.  It can be treated.  Feeling sad - as we all suffer from time to time - will pass.  There’s the rub.  People use the term depression interchangeably with fed up … but there is a world of difference - it’s like one person having the sniffles - and another having the Corona Virus!  I hope that helps you understand.  Also, you don’t always display symptoms of depression before it hits you.  It often creeps up on you.  Josiah was quietly studying and he didn’t hear the steady beat of marching feet as depression crept up on him. It covered him with a blanket he has never quite escaped from.  


    He had everything going for him.  There was no reason to assume that he wouldn’t get the grades he needed for university, get the job he wanted … he was studying so hard.  Then, one day, something indefinable SLAMMED into him.  It hit him from left of field. 


    Josiah is so brave as he tells this story.  It is a searing, heartbreakingly honest account of what happen next. 


    For a long time, Josiah was able to hide his feelings from his family while pretending to study.  He got his grades and went to University and, in many ways, that’s where his problems really began.


    Life was completely different at University for Josiah because, unlike school,  nobody checked on him - he didn’t have to go to class - so he didn’t.  Nobody insisted that he did his work.  So he didn’t.   Without anybody to keep an eye on him he mainly hid in his room or went out and got drunk. It was not a healthy lifestyle. 


    Josiah had reached crisis point.  He went to every place he could find for help but it was hopeless.  The help that was available at Universities was only staffed by {usually unqualified) volunteers and there was a huge waiting list.  The doctors didn’t really understand his problems - he felt he had nowhere to turn. 


    His stepfather took him home for a while which did seem to help for a while.  It was a critical situation - The year that Josiah was at university, there were 13 suicides - he was so nearly number 14. 


    While at home, his parents took him to see a psychiatrist who told him the depression wasn’t his fault - and put him on Citalopram - which did seem to help for a while.  But it wasn’t a cure.


    Josiah’s mother is award winning author Amanda Drowse - one of my favourite authors, and one who I HOPE I will have on my show in her now right (AS WELL AS AS PART OF THIS BOOK) later this  year.  She helped him to write half of the book.


    The two voices are strikingly different but somehow blend beautifully in a funny way.  Amanda has a beautiful, warm compassionate nature which contrasts sharply with Josiah’s sharp, at times raw and often gut wrenching account of his heartbreaking journey. Josiah’s half of the story was hard to read … I wanted to hug him … I would have annoyed him so much if he knew me personally because he admits he got angry with his mother repeatedly when she would cry … well I cried buckets as I read his story.  But, in a funny way, I was crying because I was proud of him.  What he had done here - laying his whole story out on the page - with total honesty (no sugar coating here) - was one of the bravest things I have ever come across.  He has so much courage.  What makes me so proud of him is that I know he will change so many lives with this book - that’s why I want to give it a good blast of publcity - maybe the person who desperately needs to read it will see it because of my website or my show (or my prducer’s newsletter.  If, by telling his story, he can get ONE person to get the right help and not kill themselves (or even try to) it may help assuage the agony he and his family have been through.  If he can make the universities, schools, doctors, everyone involved in mental health sit up and realise something needs to be done to prevent any more tragedies, it will have been worth all the pain. 


    Josiah Hartley is one of the bravest young men I have ever had the privilege of reading his book.


    Don’t run away with the idea that it’s all doom and gloom though.  There are lighter moments.  That is part of the charm of this book.  One of the many reasons I chose this book as the inaugural Featured Book of the Month was that there are many positive moments within it.  There are lessons the world needs to learn - without it being or sounding preachy.  Josiah gets his message across by talking candidly about his situation.  Sure, this book made me cry - I’ve already said that, but it was also a very positive story. 


    This is not a spoiler but I thought it was especially brave of the family to show a scene towards the end - I thank them for doing that because they didn’t have to show it.  It is a pivotal, heartbreaking scene and it changes their lives - they showed immense courage to show it.  They show themselves at their most raw and open.  That was the most … this is NOT the word I’m looking for but if it was a film it would be the picturesque scene right at the end.  The pivotal one where you know things have changed … It was quite beautiful and brilliantly written.  I don’t know if Josiah or Amanda wrote that scene but it doesn’t matter.  I often picture that for some reason.  It refuses to leave me, even now, a few months after I have read the book. I haven’t had any reason to re-read the book but you only have to mention Amanda, Josiah or anything related to the book and BANG!  I see that picture.  You’d think I was there! 


    Amanda comes across as one of the strongest women I have ever had the privilege to communicate with.  It is an honour to be allowed to be a part of her writer’s group: MY BOOK TRIBE.  If you love books, check it out on Facebook.  Try to join.  You won’t find a better group anywhere.  I have never been made more welcome anywhere.  Mary Anne Schaeffer is one of the most welcoming admins I have come across from that group as well.  Thank you all.  I have found my spiritual home with that group.  Amanda, thank you and all the group for being so welcoming to me. Just wanted to give you all a plug while I had a chance.


    Josiahh’s voice is much harsher than Amanda’s - he pulls no punches and holds nothing back.  Sometimes, some of what he says is put so strongly it can make you wince (I sometimes wondered if it was TOO strong … but then I’m sensitive) - but it NEEDS to be said like that.  His message is so powerful precisely because of the way he delivers it.  He is like a  heavyweight boxer, not afraid to punch his message home when necessary. 


    What Josiahh has been through must have been terrifying - and the reactions from others have been so judgemental.  People have told him to ‘pull himself together’ and asked what he has to be depressed about among other things … but that is particularly unhelpful.



    I felt a rage begin to burn in me as he poured his story onto the page.  Not at him - but at the … institution, if that’s the right word, that failed him.  Everywhere he turned, Josiah was ignored until it got to the point that he planned his own death.  Read that again and think about it.  He ordered pills from the internet and planned to take them.  To this day he doesn’t know what stopped him taking them immediately.  He said it was just a kind of comfort to know they were there.  His Mum, Amanda, was in Australia at the time and his Stepdad had to call and give her the news.


    The book is told from both Amanda and Josiah’s point of view.  They have vastly different voices.  It is all the more powerful precisely because of the two different voices.  Would I still give  it look of the month with Just Josiah’s story?  I like to think so … but Amanda’s s tory adds so much to it … it adds colour, light and shade to the main picture so I think her half was needed.  I don’t think it would have felt complete if we didn’t have her half of the story.  Amanda surprised me - her voice (I knew nothing about her as a person prior to this book - but suffice to say I came across with a totally different opinion of her - I’ve always liked her but she’s gone up MASSIVELY in my estimation). 


    I found the family dynamics fascinating but I love the fact that  Josiah is so open about his problems. 

    I feel very strongly about this issue.  You would go to the dentist if you had a tooth ache; you would go to an orthopaedic surgeon if you had a problem with your knee … but why is there an issue with admitting that you have problems with your mental health?  That is so sad in this day and age!  I have been very vocal on Facebook about this issue, even before but especially since this book came out.


    I have noticed that as soon as ‘Mental Illness’ is mentioned people instantly scuttle away - they suddenly wrap their protective wings around them like little bats, as though afraid that the mere mention of it will contaminate them.  Well, guess what?  It won’t!  But brushing it under the carpet is the most dangerous thing you can do.


    If the Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the importance of checking how people are.  


    The stock answer is ‘I’m fine’ and we trot away, happy in the knowledge we’ve done our job by checking … but is that the truth?  Or is it what you friend thinks you want to hear?  When they ask you, they get the same answer … but isn't there the slightest chance they might GENUINELY want to know?  Most of us feel that we ‘don’t want to be a bother’ so we keep our problems to ourselves.  But from the other side of the coin, our loved ones WANT us to come to them - no matter the problem.


    The other - and in many ways more serious side - of the coin was the reaction from the universities and medical boards.  Getting help was almost impossible from them.  The year Josiah was at university 13 people killed themselves and Josiah was almost the next victim.  His family battled to get him the help he needed but they were alone. 


    The issue becomes more serious, though, when it is no longer ‘depression’ but it escalates and the sufferer begins to consider suicide.  They may not feel this is the BEST solution but it may feel like the ONLY solution.  They may feel as if it is the ONLY source open to them.


    In their book, The Boy Between author Amanda Drowse and her son Josiah Hartley bravely tell their terrifying story.  This is one which, sadly, will resonate with many young men and women around the world.


    In the book Josiah describes his terrifying battle with depression, one which led him to the brink of death.  His mother had no knowledge of the trauma he was experiencing and, worse, had no idea how to help him get better.  His reply confused her more than ever … he told her to treat her as if he was ill - because he IS ill.  This was something that, to this day, she says she has never understood. 


    What I think I found most alarming as I read Josiah’s account of his story, he was crying out for help.  He and his parents tried everything to get treatment but nothing was available.


    It is disgraceful that in today’s society, a person who is suffering with their mental health, someone who is in genuine mortal danger of taking their own life, cannot receive the help they so desperately need.  This needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.


    We urgently need to make sure that no more young people take their own lives.  These people are our future! 


    We are living in difficult times - even Princes Harry and William are talking openly about their mental health problems which began after their mother was killed in a car accident in Paris.  If they are not afraid to talk about it - and we do not judge them - then why are we afraid to admit that we have mental health issues?


    If a doctor does not know the real problem, they cannot treat it.  One thing that my own doctor told me recently was that the most revealing comment during a consultation comes as a patient leaves the room.  It’s the one, just as they touch the door knob and say, “Thanks for all your help.  I’m OK but I don’t know why I’m so fed up.  I want to sleep all the time, don’t want to eat, don’t enjoy my hobbies as much … but anyway, I’m waffling.  See you again.”  At that point a GOOD doctor will recognise the signs of depression and pull the patient back … I’m giving a relevant  example here - there are hundreds of door knob statements - but this one takes place a lot revelations that doctor’s hear.  Be brave!  Speak up!  The doctors have heard it all and they want to help you.  There is no judgement!


    Josiah and Amanda’s story gels together and makes me smart with anger, I felt like crying - it wrought all the emotions - something which very few books manage to do. Amanda’s strength of character shines through the page.  She’s such a warm person and her bubbly personality made me wish I was more like her. She has such strength of character …  Her relationship with her husband and son is something beautiful to behold and, when the going gets tough AMANDA GETS GOING. 


    I am going to draw this to a close now because, to be honest, there are not enough words to justify why The Boy Between  should be the Featured Book of the Month (for April, even though it’s now the end of May!). I believe this book is a bible for our times.  The world is in desperate times - it should never have been allowed to get into this state.  Josiah and Amanda’s story shows us that there is hope it CAN change.


    This book is not all depressing.  There are moments that are lighter.  I love the way Josiah looks at depression now.  He still battles with it - probably always will - but he has it ‘locked up in the attic for now.’  Let’s hope it stays there.  His life, last I heard, was much happier. 


    I think this book is a very deserving winner for the inaugural Featured Book of the Month.  It’s such an important book because it is so relevant to our times.  More people than ever are suffering depression - REAL depression, not just feeling fed up - and this book urges the powers  that be to take action and enable those who need it to access help.  Let’s make this book into a best seller - maybe then Parliament will listen - someone needs to. The public need help - before it’s too late.  I would like to thank Josiah for being brave enough to write his story.  It took a lot of courage - and it must have taken a considerable amount of inner strength to do it.  He had to take himself back to some dark places … the memories must have been tough to deal with - yet he was strong enough to face it.  I am in awe of his courage. 


    Next featured book of the month, due to the difficulties we have suffered with during the last few weeks - will be revealed in a couple of days.  I am trying to get us back on track.  I will sort out the winner for May and resolve that situatoin.   I apologise for any distress this ha caused to my winning authors.